Monday, September 16, 2013

Gavin likes his "chicken fried" and RC cola!!!!

If you loved Gavin's Wagon Wheel Video...
You will REALLY enjoy his take on Chicken Fried!
Leave it to a "church kid" to make known that his drink is INDEED not alcoholic!!! Love the enthusiasm!!!!

The Siskey's....Not precious people

Our family is.....

well, we are a lot of things. LOUD being one of them. Let's just say that we are not "precious" people. We are a family full of BIG personalities.

I didn't grow up in your typical family environment, being raised by my dad and Nana [who was 70 when I was born]. She is pretty much my favorite person in the history of people. She is turning the BIG 9-5 this year and will still tell you if she thinks "your clothes are a little more snug than the last time I saw you".
As I look back over my childhood, all I remember is being a quiet, well mannered, best dressed Sunday School superstar! I'm sure I had my share of bad days, but for the most part I stuck by Nana's rules and manners.
With the influence of Nana, I pretty much grew up under a pew. I was raised in a small Southern Baptist Church where we had a jammin' children's choir. I remember one Christmas playing the HAND BELLS while dressed as Jesus' mother, Mary, with a baby doll on my hip in a manger scene. Oh yea, I said it.
Anyway.........I say all that to bring me to family is not precious.
I find myself way too often being envious of those mom's with the pristine house and children that can stand still AND be quiet at the same time.

age: 4
favorite activity: singing songs that she has written...which may or may not have real words in them, but always rhyme.
offense: rolling of the eyes

age: 2 1/2
favorite activity: reading books or having ANYONE read her books
offense: luring you in for love with those beautiful eyes so that when you catch her beating someone with a plastic camera toy you can't help but think that something must have provoked her to do it.....LIES

age: will be 13 in a week or so
favorite activity: see video below
offense: talking himself out of a corner with "Ohs" and "my bads" and "I didn't mean tos"
So, I have come to learn that some families are just bred to be precious and I love to be around those families. They are the sweetest. I, however, can not hold my family to that standard. We are a family EXTREMLY blessed, loved and healthy.
So I'm still learning to embrace the chaos, go with the flow, and enjoy it while I'm in it.
Bring on the crazy.
Bring on the silly.
Bring on the laughs.
And well, if you want to invite us to dinner....have dinner at our house, not yours because..........well, you know. 
We're loud!

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Week of School recap!!!

Well, the first week of school was a success. The girls love it!
Here is a little first week recap.
starting top left...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday!!! [Gavin said the first day picture was enough for him though]
Didn't take one today....I don't want to be THAT mom!
OAN: I think I was a little more sad today than the first day last week, but I will prevail.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Do you hear that?
Listen very closely.......
Of course you don't, because my house is empty and.... wait for it.....quiet!

I am alone in my home for the first time in 4 years. What a bittersweet morning. Gavin started 7th Grade today at his new school here in South Carolina and my babies started preschool.
Seriously, time has actually flown.

flown  past participle of fly (Verb)

  1. (of a bird or other winged creature) Move through the air under control: "close the door or the moths will fly in".
  2. (of an aircraft or its occupants) Travel through the air: "I fly back to New York this evening".

OK, maybe not the right word. It obviously didn't take flight, but it sure did go by fast.

Gavin will be 13 next month and has miraculously grown taller than me over the summer [maybe miraculously is stretching it]. Gavin.....a teenager. We covet your prayers ;)

Anna is 4 and bossy flossy. She was extremely excited about K-4 and loves her teacher Ms. Mandy when she left this morning. However, you can't measure the success of a "first day" until you see how willing they are on the "second day".
Ansley, my K-2 queen, was born ready for all things. She entered Ms. Tiffany's class with no more than, "Bye mommy, Bye daddy" [kiss]

On the way to take the girls to school I asked them a series of questions.
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
-Anna: a sunday school teacher
-Ansley: BIG

2. What is your favorite color?
-Anna: purple
-Ansley: pink and red

3. What is your favorite food?
-Anna: Soda and Milk
-Ansley: cereal [which not so coincidentally is what she had for b'fast and I am convinced if she had eaten steak for b'fast, that would have been her answer]

4. What is your favorite tv show?
-Anna: Caillou
-Ansley: Dora and Diego

5. What is your favorite thing to do?
-Anna: clean the house and wear heels like you mommy
-Ansley: watch Dora and dance

...and so they all left for school, leaving me alone to sob in private. I'm only kidding. No tears from this momma this morning. I returned home to do what any mom does in animal crakers and doritos on the couch.

So closes a chapter of my life. My babies are growing up, becoming independent little humans, and I am so thankful to God for blessing me with this family and pouring constant blessings onto our family.

Thank you to all who have had a part in our lives, shaping us and modeling Godly lives for us. God has used so many of you in ways you may not ever realize. If you are reading this, I'm most likely talking about you.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

From a bittersweet ending dawns a brand new beginning.

3 years and 4 months ago, I sat in a relatively empty apartment with very bare walls and cried. It did not feel like home and I was anxious and a little scared of the new path God had set our family on. I had never heard of Graceville, Fl and by the looks of the town you would understand why. Being 30 miles from EVERYwhere and having only a Subway, Hardee's, Piggly Wiggly and of course The Baptist College of Florida it wasn't exactly "on the map". It is never easy to see the big picture but God is sovereign in all things.

Last week, 3 years and 4 months later, I sat in that tiny apartment that I had wanted to leave everyday since, staring at the once again bare walls and began to cry. Thinking of the memories and how quickly it suddenly seemed to have passed. Our family had grown here. It is the only home Anna remembers and the only home Ansley has known. God's timing is perfect in every way and I look forward to all He has in store for our ,much larger, family now.

We have really grown up since our time in Graceville. God has truly blessed our family with lasting friendships and sweet memories. About the time we were comfortable enough to call Graceville home, God showed us our next step. Bascom, Fl which believe it or not, is less on the map than Graceville. This is where God chose to use us for His ministry and HOW thankful we are.

To our Bascom family,
We will miss you guys so very much. You have loved our family more than imaginable. It was a wonderful 2 1/2 years full of unforgettable memories. Thank you for loving us, our family, and for past prayers and present prayers. We love you. 
I thank my God when I remember you. Phil 1:3

Now here we are COVERED in God's grace, about to begin a whole new chapter, a whole new beginning in our lives.
New home
New church
New blessings 
New opportunities
Same Faithful Savior
God is so faithful and as I said, His timing is perfect. Adam speaks a lot about transitional moments in one's life that everyone has. Just as our move to Graceville and our ministry in Bascom were, we have truly reached one of those moments. We are very excited to be joining in at Anderson Mill Road Baptist Church [The Mill] in glorifying God.

Here's to growing up and relying on God's grace in our NEW BEGINNING!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Good Mom Points:
The girls were eating a fruit tray..cantalope, grapes, apples, oranges!
Healthy snacking...big Good Mom Points.

However, I did not note that the grapes were still on the stem.

The stem is edible, right?

Ansley consumed.... a few twigs before I caught this.

Kristy=Mom of the Year :) ????

Potty Training and Preteen Drama [never a dull moment]

Epic Fail.
If I were graded on blog progress ... well let's just get past the large gaps and cut to the chase.

I will attempt to fill in the gap.

Anna: 3 1/2 years    29 lbs     Loud      Smart     Busy     Can talk your ears off! [Her response to talking your ears off]
Mimi: "Anna, you are talking my ears off!"
Anna: "What?!? No I'm not."
Mimi: "Yes you are, and If you talk my ears off then I won't be able to hear you."
Anna: "It is ok Mimi. If you don't have ears I will talk louder!"

Ansley: 2 years    28 lbs    Silly    Potty training     Go,Go,Go!     Likes to talk to herself!
Ansley: "Hey Momma!"
Ansley: "Hey, What you doin'?"
Ansley: "Nuttin'"
Ansley "Oh, ok!"
Ansley "Hey E'rebody! Look!?!"  [ This is a 20 sec. convo in the van with herself ]
An imagination the size of TEXAS.

Gavin: 12 years     As tall as me    Likes to write awkward song lyrics     "preteen drama"
Lives to torture my preschoolers! [seriously, believes this is life's purpose]
I feel this runs through his mind upon waking - "So, It's Saturday, I wonder how many times I can make the girls scream before Kristy slaps me in the back of the head. Today is the day to break my record!" [this can't be far from accurate]

Example of "a day in the life" :
Just two days ago I was looking through our very packed closet for "1" book. [side note: My husband has 4 stacks, 4 ft high of books in our closet] [another side note: our closet is tiny with the sliding doors on a track] I crawl inside and begin to rummage through our "library" and the girls are not far behind me.
I am sitting criss cross applesause in a mound of commentaries, ficition, non-fiction, ministry help, bibles, etc. Anna is sitting on our empty luggage. Ansley is in a laundry basket full of warm weather clothes packed away but not stored [Florida's winter is like more like "on a week, off a week"].
The little bit of light I am working with slowly fades away as the girls close the closet doors. Upon closing the door they manage to get them off track.
"Girls! Open the door please. I need the light."
"Momma, I can't open it!"
Yes, here we are, all inside the closet with jammed doors that will budge no more than 3 inches open on each side.
I can look out 5 feet away at my phone. Clearly out of reach, I long to call my husband even if I have to say " Hi honey! Is there any chance you can run home an help us out of the closet." EMBARASSING much?

Caption: Later that same day!

Well it was really only like 30 minutes and a bruised hand later.
Anna sincerely apologized  " Mommy, Your silly for getting in the closet. Sorry I broke it."

To God be the Glory for my family, my blessings, my life!