"When you feel so mad that you want to ROAR, take a deep breath and count to 4!" -Daniel Tiger
"Be kind!"
"Make good choices!"
"Stop that!"
"Time out!"
Yesterday was one of those days where you just want to try again.
As the kids were all finally in bed and the house was quiet for the first time in about 14 hours, all I could think was
"Whoa! Can I just rewind and try that again?"
I had not gotten more than 3 hours of sleep the night before, and I was REALLY looking forward to a much needed nap time. Now keep in mind the girls almost always have a really good nap [me too on occasion]. This day called for a really good nap.
Didn't happen. Didn't even kind of happen.
Ansley's nap was short and Anna's nap was nigh.
This led to a downward spiral of obedience as the day went on.
Since Adam is gone, several friends/family from The Mill have been so kind as to eat with us and spend time with us, which really helps the time pass.
No nap kids+sleepy mommy+company for dinner=PURE MADNESS
Gracious guest they were! I assured them that with Daddy comes order and my home was not always so crazy. [keyword=not always]
I just embraced the chaos and continued with our night.
However, once our friends had departed, it was time for the crack down.
Gavin-Clean the kitchen!
Anna- Stop climbing furniture!
Ansley- Can you even hear me talking?
Adam and I both knew that the longer he was away the more Ansley would breakdown. She is the a big time "daddy's girl" and I do believe she finally realizes "Oh, no daddy, no order, full speed ahead!"
Long story short, [too late] Ansley almost ended her night in a cold shower.
In the tub [clothed] she went. Before I could turn the water on, she began to break.
"I'm sorry Mommy." [insert tears and hugs]
After some much needed sleep, all around, and the start of a new day. Things are looking up!
Then this happens......
Middle School Social Problems 101:
Objective: take 2 liter soda to class for party
Gavin: "How am I suppose to take this Pepsi to school?"
Me: "When you get to homeroom ask your teacher if you can take it straight to Drama Class, so you won't have to carry it around all day."
Gavin: "No, how am I suppose to carry this Pepsi?"
Me: "With your hands."
Gavin: [large puff of air, rolling of the eyes]
Me: "In a bag"
5 minutes later [heading out the door]
Me: "Where is the Pepsi?"
Gavin: "In my gym bag."
Some battles are not even worth fighting! :)
**Rule of Thumb: Apparently, it is socially unacceptable for a middle school student to carry ANYTHING in a grocery bag for any amount of time. [Even a grocery item]
time to go...... I see a trail of paper plates from one end of the house to the other. And I don't think I am going to find a pot of gold at the other end!
In the words of Scarlett O'Hara "Tomorrow is another day"
Thanking God for new grace and mercy each day.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Well, hello blog world. Long time no post.
I do have a lot of things to catch you up on!
Life with The Siskey's has been quiet eventful lately.
Where should I start?........
Oh yea......Coming Soon!
And let's see.....
Our fully potty trained, cuddle bug Ansley is now 3 years old and tough as nails. She loves to give hugs and kisses and when she grows up, she wants to be a friend! [big time daddy's girl]
And Gavin......oh Gavin.
He is 13 going on 30 for sure. He knows everything there is to know about everything, and he assures you that you can take that to the bank. [insert a good HAHA]
He will be 14 in September, which to him means "I start driving next year"! [prayers appreciated]
Oh and I can't forget his hair. He has to brush his hair a minimum of 5 minutes before leaving the house. [life of a teenage boy]
Like I said, it has been very eventful since my last post.
Currently, Adam is on a mission trip to Madagascar. Which after much debate with Anna, does not have talking animals. He will be back in a week. This is his first oversees trip AND his first time to fly. Total travel time including layovers and drive time was approximately 39 hours [one way]. He is very ambitious :)
We can't wait for him to come home and fill us in on his adventure.
The kids are patiently waiting on their gifts!
Anna prays for him at every meal and before bed.
example: "God I just ask you to keep my daddy safe, and thank you for all the great things he is gonna do. Bring him back to us and hope he gets us really good presents. Take care of me and mommy and Gavin and Ansley since we are all by ourselves. Amen"
God has truly blessed our family. Our first year at The Mill has come and gone and we are very blessed to serve alongside such a loving church family.
Soli Deo Gloria!
I do have a lot of things to catch you up on!
Life with The Siskey's has been quiet eventful lately.
Where should I start?........
Oh yea......Coming Soon!
That's right! Our first Siskey boy is on his way. Due date: Sept. 4th
We are all very excited. Even Ansley, who at least once a week states that she "wants a girl baby"!
Only 16 more weeks to go!
What's next...
Our Anna Tait refuses to stop growing up. All in one week, she graduated Preschool and turned 5 years old. This moody mommy can't even deal with all this craziness! She is very artsy and creative [not sure who she gets that from] and she wears her heart on her sleeve.
And let's see.....
Our fully potty trained, cuddle bug Ansley is now 3 years old and tough as nails. She loves to give hugs and kisses and when she grows up, she wants to be a friend! [big time daddy's girl]
And Gavin......oh Gavin.
He is 13 going on 30 for sure. He knows everything there is to know about everything, and he assures you that you can take that to the bank. [insert a good HAHA]
He will be 14 in September, which to him means "I start driving next year"! [prayers appreciated]
Oh and I can't forget his hair. He has to brush his hair a minimum of 5 minutes before leaving the house. [life of a teenage boy]
Like I said, it has been very eventful since my last post.
Currently, Adam is on a mission trip to Madagascar. Which after much debate with Anna, does not have talking animals. He will be back in a week. This is his first oversees trip AND his first time to fly. Total travel time including layovers and drive time was approximately 39 hours [one way]. He is very ambitious :)
We can't wait for him to come home and fill us in on his adventure.
The kids are patiently waiting on their gifts!
Anna prays for him at every meal and before bed.
example: "God I just ask you to keep my daddy safe, and thank you for all the great things he is gonna do. Bring him back to us and hope he gets us really good presents. Take care of me and mommy and Gavin and Ansley since we are all by ourselves. Amen"
God has truly blessed our family. Our first year at The Mill has come and gone and we are very blessed to serve alongside such a loving church family.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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