Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BIg Girl Panties!

Just finished recovering from a very busy weekend. We took our youth group to EnFuego[ an ALL DAY OUTDOOR concert]. Oh yea, it was 112 degrees outside. Good times! =)

I slept most of yesterday away despite the fact that the girls were all over the place.
Today I am feeling pretty much up to par and we are doing a new potty experiment.

Since the beginning of this year Anna has been using the "potty" off and on. We were making real progress until summer hit. We were going non-stop this summer between youth camp, VBS, and mission trip. Needless to say when you are on the go with a 2 year old using the potty is put to the  way side.

Now that we are back to normal and on somewhat of a schedule we have picked back up on the potty training. It is kinda frustrating that Anna knows when she has to pee and poopie but still just goes in the diaper.

Let me introduce you to our new potty experiment. We made a late trip to Walmart yesterday and I bought Anna some new "big girl panties". They are just the right size for the tiny hiney, and Dora of course!
She is very excited about her Dora panties and is making instant progress. We have successfully kept Dora dry and clean all morning =).
I'm sure I will have updates on this method soon.

"Do the .... Potty Dance!"


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