Thursday, October 6, 2011

Some days....smh!

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by chaos...and you think to yourself...or maybe talk to yourself [which my husband pointed out this evening] I do a lot of, "what is happening?"

You can sum up the chaotic-ness of my day with this.

I've found dishes in the toy box...and in the fridge or as Anna says the "a-rator"...I found 2 pair of Anna's big girl panties, Curious George, and a hot wheels car that I'm still not sure of where it came from and how it found it's way into my home much less the refrigerator.

Things like this cause me to shake my head. [smh]

Another thing that caused me to drop my head in disbelief today..My husband asked me to compete in....[wait for it].......The Spartan Run.
It is a 5k that has obstacles such as mud pits, barb wire crawls, scaling walls,and running with buckets of rocks.
Let me set something straight here..I don't run and I don't qualify in any way as a "Spartan".
Second of all who in there RIGHT mind would pay to do this...this torture.
I MIGHT jog a . 5k [please note the decimal in front of that 5]. I would say a . 5k is heart healthy =)

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