Tuesday, April 23, 2013

From a bittersweet ending dawns a brand new beginning.

3 years and 4 months ago, I sat in a relatively empty apartment with very bare walls and cried. It did not feel like home and I was anxious and a little scared of the new path God had set our family on. I had never heard of Graceville, Fl and by the looks of the town you would understand why. Being 30 miles from EVERYwhere and having only a Subway, Hardee's, Piggly Wiggly and of course The Baptist College of Florida it wasn't exactly "on the map". It is never easy to see the big picture but God is sovereign in all things.

Last week, 3 years and 4 months later, I sat in that tiny apartment that I had wanted to leave everyday since, staring at the once again bare walls and began to cry. Thinking of the memories and how quickly it suddenly seemed to have passed. Our family had grown here. It is the only home Anna remembers and the only home Ansley has known. God's timing is perfect in every way and I look forward to all He has in store for our ,much larger, family now.

We have really grown up since our time in Graceville. God has truly blessed our family with lasting friendships and sweet memories. About the time we were comfortable enough to call Graceville home, God showed us our next step. Bascom, Fl which believe it or not, is less on the map than Graceville. This is where God chose to use us for His ministry and HOW thankful we are.

To our Bascom family,
We will miss you guys so very much. You have loved our family more than imaginable. It was a wonderful 2 1/2 years full of unforgettable memories. Thank you for loving us, our family, and for past prayers and present prayers. We love you. 
I thank my God when I remember you. Phil 1:3

Now here we are COVERED in God's grace, about to begin a whole new chapter, a whole new beginning in our lives.
New home
New church
New blessings 
New opportunities
Same Faithful Savior
God is so faithful and as I said, His timing is perfect. Adam speaks a lot about transitional moments in one's life that everyone has. Just as our move to Graceville and our ministry in Bascom were, we have truly reached one of those moments. We are very excited to be joining in at Anderson Mill Road Baptist Church [The Mill] in glorifying God.

Here's to growing up and relying on God's grace in our NEW BEGINNING!